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Botanical Name: Picea Mariana is a species of spruce tree commonly known as black spruce. Pinaceae plant family. 


Aromatic Description: Black spruce essential oil is high in monoterpene compounds, such as alpha-pinene and beta-pinene, which give it its fresh, invigorating aroma. It also contains compounds like bornyl acetate, which contributes to its woody scent that helps induce a peaceful state of mind. Think "Christmas" and "Winter" when first smelling a spruce essential oil, but the aromatic beauty and versatility of Black Spruce Essential Oil spans well beyond chilly seasons and the holidays. The black spruce essential oil can help clear nasal passages, relieve sinus pressure and relieve symptoms associated with respiratory issues, such as asthma and bronchitis. Its aroma is calming and grounding, making it useful for reducing stress and promoting relaxation. Its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties can help to relieve pain and discomfort in the muscles and joints. The monoterpenes in black spruce essential oil help improve circulation, increase energy levels and support overall health. Its antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties make it a useful oil for boosting the immune system and fighting infections.


Extraction Method: Steam Distilled plant parts typically used Needles and Twigs

Black Spruce Essential Oil


This powerful essential oil can be diluted with carrier oils and used as a topical application or a relaxing Ayurvedic massage.  Add few drops of oil to potpourris, vaporizers, candles, or diffusers for combating germs in the air and protecting the environment naturally. It can also be added to your bathtub for an aromatic, healing, stimulating, and energizing bath.

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